A couple of changes to docs #2163

PeterSurda merged 6 commits from gitea-42 into v0.6 2023-10-31 12:17:45 +01:00
4 changed files with 72 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Feel welcome to join chan "bitmessage", BM-2cWy7cvHoq3f1rYMerRJp8PT653jjSuEdY
* [Project Website](https://bitmessage.org)
* [Protocol Specification](https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Protocol_specification)
* [Protocol Specification](https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html)
* [Whitepaper](https://bitmessage.org/bitmessage.pdf)
* [Installation](https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Compiling_instructions)
* [Discuss on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitmessage)

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Encryption
key_e as encryption key and the padded input text as payload. Call the
output cipher text.
9. Calculate a 32 byte MAC with HMACSHA256, using key_m as salt and
IV + R + cipher text as data. Call the output MAC.
IV + R [#f2]_ + cipher text as data. Call the output MAC.
The resulting data is: IV + R + cipher text + MAC
@ -129,11 +129,12 @@ Partial Example
02 ca 00 20
02 93 21 3d cf 13 88 b6
1c 2a e5 cf 80 fe e6 ff
ff c0 49 a2 f9 fe 73 65
fe 38 67 81 3c a8 12 92
00 20
df 94 68 6c 6a fb 56 5a
c6 14 9b 15 3d 61 b3 b2
87 ee 2c 7f 99 7c 14 23
@ -252,3 +253,5 @@ Partial Example
.. [#f1] The pyelliptic implementation used in PyBitmessage takes unpadded data,
see :obj:`.pyelliptic.Cipher.ciphering`.
.. [#f2] The pyelliptic encodes the pubkey with curve and length,
see :obj:`.pyelliptic.ECC.get_pubkey`

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Variable length integer
Integer can be encoded depending on the represented value to save space.
Variable length integers always precede an array/vector of a type of data that
may vary in length. Varints MUST use the minimum possible number of bytes to
may vary in length. Varints **must** use the minimum possible number of bytes to
encode a value. For example, the value 6 can be encoded with one byte therefore
a varint that uses three bytes to encode the value 6 is malformed and the
decoding task must be aborted.
@ -480,12 +480,13 @@ only a :ref:`message header <Message structure>` with the command string
"verack". The TCP timeout starts out at 20 seconds; after verack messages are
exchanged, the timeout is raised to 10 minutes.
If both sides announce that they support SSL, they MUST perform a SSL handshake
immediately after they both send and receive verack. During this SSL handshake,
the TCP client acts as a SSL client, and the TCP server acts as a SSL server.
The current implementation (v0.5.4 or later) requires the AECDH-AES256-SHA
cipher over TLSv1 protocol, and prefers the secp256k1 curve (but other curves
may be accepted, depending on the version of python and OpenSSL used).
If both sides announce that they support SSL, they **must** perform an SSL
handshake immediately after they both send and receive verack. During this SSL
handshake, the TCP client acts as an SSL client, and the TCP server acts as an
SSL server. The current implementation (v0.5.4 or later) requires the
AECDH-AES256-SHA cipher over TLSv1 protocol, and prefers the secp256k1 curve
(but other curves may be accepted, depending on the version of python and
OpenSSL used).
@ -517,7 +518,6 @@ Allows a node to advertise its knowledge of one or more objects. Payload
| 32x? | inventory | inv_vect[] | Inventory vectors |
@ -534,6 +534,50 @@ Payload (maximum payload length: 50000 entries):
| 32x? | inventory | inv_vect[] | Inventory vectors |
.. note:: New in version 3
This message may be silently ignored (and therefor handled like any other
"unknown" message).
The message is intended to inform the other node about protocol errors and
can be used for debugging and improving code.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: auto
* - Field Size
- Description
- Data type
- Comments
* - 1+
- fatal
- |var_int|
- This qualifies the error. If set to 0, than its just a "warning".
You can expect, everything still worked fine. If set to 1, than
it's an error, so you may expect, something was going wrong
(e.g. an object got lost). If set to 2, it's a fatal error. The node
will drop the line for that error and maybe ban you for some time.
* - 1+
- ban time
- var_int
- If the error is fatal, you can specify the ban time in seconds, here.
You inform the other node, that you will not accept further connections
for this number of seconds. For non fatal errors this field has
no meaning and should be zero.
* - 1+
- inventory vector
- var_str
- If the error is related to an object, this Variable length string
contains the inventory vector of that object. If the error is not
related to an object, this string is empty.
* - 1+
- error text
- var_str
- A human readable string in English, which describes the error.
@ -588,6 +632,19 @@ type, like 'msg', or 'broadcast'. To be a valid object, the
- This field varies depending on the object type; see below.
Unsupported messages
If a node receives an unknown message it **must** silently ignore it. This is
for further extensions of the protocol with other messages. Nodes that don't
understand such a new message type shall be able to work correct with the
message types they understand.
Maybe some version 2 nodes did already implement it that way, but in version 3
it is **part of the protocol specification**, that a node **must**
silently ignore unsupported messages.
Object types

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@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ def isProofOfWorkSufficient(
data, nonceTrialsPerByte=0, payloadLengthExtraBytes=0, recvTime=0):
Validate an object's Proof of Work using method described
`here <https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Proof_of_work>`_
:doc:`here </pow>`
int nonceTrialsPerByte (default: from `.defaults`)