Use six everywhere possible #2240

kashikoibumi wants to merge 6 commits from kashikoibumi/six into v0.6
kashikoibumi commented 2024-05-26 03:01:17 +02:00 (Migrated from

Use six everywhere possible.
This patch is one of preparations to migrate to Python3.

  • use six.PY2 and six.PY3
  • use six.itervalues(), six.iteritems()
  • use six.int2byte(), six.byte2int, six.BytesIO
  • use six.assertRaisesRegex, six.assertRegex, six.assertNotRegex
  • use six.moves
Use six everywhere possible. This patch is one of preparations to migrate to Python3. * use six.PY2 and six.PY3 * use six.itervalues(), six.iteritems() * use six.int2byte(), six.byte2int, six.BytesIO * use six.assertRaisesRegex, six.assertRegex, six.assertNotRegex * use six.moves
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