Fixed: Style and lint violations for ten more of the worst violating files #1265

coffeedogs wants to merge 1 commits from codeq31-05 into v0.6
coffeedogs commented 2018-06-04 12:15:32 +02:00 (Migrated from

Continuing the code style and linting work. Some docstrings have been deferred until I can provide quick and accurate descriptions.
There's actually 13 files. I was probably looking at only part of git's output when I wrote that. I'll update it.
Travis isn't working. One of these files must take us into a cascading import failure. Currently chasing it down.

Continuing the code style and linting work. Some docstrings have been deferred until I can provide quick and accurate descriptions. There's actually 13 files. I was probably looking at only part of git's output when I wrote that. I'll update it. Travis isn't working. One of these files must take us into a cascading import failure. Currently chasing it down.
PeterSurda (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-04 12:15:32 +02:00
omkar1117 (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-04 12:15:32 +02:00
g1itch (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-08 15:18:52 +02:00
g1itch (Migrated from left a comment

Most of this change are destructive I think. Did you tested anything?

Most of this change are destructive I think. Did you tested anything?
@ -11,3 +15,4 @@
import hashlib
import json
from struct import pack
import time
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 14:59:13 +02:00


g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 15:00:38 +02:00

Any function without return statement returns None by default

Any function without `return` statement returns `None` by default
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 15:03:47 +02:00

It seems you've changed the logic here.

It seems you've changed the logic here.
@ -12,3 +15,2 @@
import os
import sys
The software version variable is now held in
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 15:08:14 +02:00

Why are you moving copyrights to docstring?

Why are you moving copyrights to docstring?
@ -30,0 +24,4 @@
import os
import signal
import socket
import sys
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 15:06:33 +02:00

This will probably break script execution.

This will probably break script execution.
@ -26,2 +35,3 @@
_encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8
def _translate(context, text, disambig, encoding = QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, n = None):
def _translate(context, text, disambig, encoding=QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, n=None):
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 14:48:03 +02:00

This changes break portable usage.

This changes break portable usage.
@ -1,12 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 14:49:32 +02:00

This is unused module

This is unused module
@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 14:51:55 +02:00

It's pointless to edit auto-generated module.

It's pointless to edit auto-generated module.
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 14:54:30 +02:00

Docstring imitation.

Docstring imitation.
@ -148,4 +161,4 @@
elemCount = len(filtered)
if elemCount > maxAddrCount / 2:
elemCount = int(maxAddrCount / 2)
addrs[stream * 2 + 1] = helper_random.randomsample(filtered.items(), elemCount)
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 14:55:44 +02:00

Oh my eyes

Oh my eyes
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 15:15:56 +02:00

You've done the opposite in other hunk.

You've done the opposite in other hunk.
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 14:57:27 +02:00

I've vomited

I've vomited
g1itch (Migrated from commented 2018-06-08 15:18:01 +02:00

If result is not used, do not assign anything.

If result is not used, do not assign anything.
coffeedogs commented 2018-06-09 11:07:05 +02:00 (Migrated from

Sorry @g1itch, @PeterSurda, this PR isn't ready yet, I should have closed it for now. I accept pretty much all your comments there and will address them as soon as I resume work on this branch.

I was trying to see how far travis got without the sys path munging. This led to re-factoring imports in other files and eventually started to touch the files affected by open PRs so I was looking to get all the other PRs in before going any further with this one.

Sorry @g1itch, @PeterSurda, this PR isn't ready yet, I should have closed it for now. I accept pretty much all your comments there and will address them as soon as I resume work on this branch. I was trying to see how far travis got without the sys path munging. This led to re-factoring imports in other files and eventually started to touch the files affected by open PRs so I was looking to get all the other PRs in before going any further with this one.
coffeedogs commented 2018-06-13 20:00:59 +02:00 (Migrated from

I force-pushed and now don't have the permissions to re-open this PR. I opened PR#1271 to track outstanding comments and this can stay closed.

I force-pushed and now don't have the permissions to re-open this PR. I opened PR#1271 to track outstanding comments and this can stay closed.
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:02:20 +02:00
@ -26,2 +35,3 @@
_encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8
def _translate(context, text, disambig, encoding = QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, n = None):
def _translate(context, text, disambig, encoding=QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, n=None):
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:02:19 +02:00

Continued in PR#1271

Continued in PR#1271
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:02:36 +02:00
@ -1,12 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:02:36 +02:00

Removed in PR#1271

Removed in PR#1271
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:02:49 +02:00
@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:02:48 +02:00

Continued in PR#1271

Continued in PR#1271
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:03:30 +02:00
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:03:30 +02:00

Continued in PR#1271

Continued in PR#1271
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:03:43 +02:00
@ -148,4 +161,4 @@
elemCount = len(filtered)
if elemCount > maxAddrCount / 2:
elemCount = int(maxAddrCount / 2)
addrs[stream * 2 + 1] = helper_random.randomsample(filtered.items(), elemCount)
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:03:43 +02:00

Fixed in PR#1271

Fixed in PR#1271
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:04:51 +02:00
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:04:51 +02:00

Continued in PR#1271

Continued in PR#1271
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:05:52 +02:00
@ -11,3 +15,4 @@
import hashlib
import json
from struct import pack
import time
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:05:51 +02:00

In the wrong order: Continued in PR#1271

In the wrong order: Continued in PR#1271
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:06:57 +02:00
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:06:57 +02:00

I know this. Pylint want it explicit here.

I know this. Pylint want it explicit here.
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:07:02 +02:00
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:07:02 +02:00

Fixed in PR#1271

Fixed in PR#1271
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:21:53 +02:00
@ -12,3 +15,2 @@
import os
import sys
The software version variable is now held in
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:21:53 +02:00

Multi-line comments are better done with a triple quoted string. In particular, Sphinx (or rather effective rST comments) requires triple quoted strings. However a triple-quoted string is flagged by linters as 'string statement has no effect'. Perhaps a Sphinx section on copyright would be the best place to put these notices? Being part of a module docstring made more sense to me than loose in the top level in module, though I don't feel a Python file is the right place anyway. So continued in PR#1270.

Multi-line comments are better done with a triple quoted string. In particular, Sphinx (or rather effective rST comments) requires triple quoted strings. However a triple-quoted string is flagged by linters as 'string statement has no effect'. Perhaps a Sphinx section on copyright would be the best place to put these notices? Being part of a module docstring made more sense to me than loose in the top level in module, though I don't feel a Python file is the right place anyway. So continued in PR#1270.
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:22:52 +02:00
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:22:52 +02:00

LHS removed - fixed in PR#1271.

LHS removed - fixed in PR#1271.
coffeedogs (Migrated from reviewed 2018-06-13 20:33:35 +02:00
coffeedogs (Migrated from commented 2018-06-13 20:33:35 +02:00

I'm lost, sorry, could you be more specific please? There's one other hunk like that in that file:

-            sock, addr = pair
+            sock, _ = pair

But maybe you mean why did I ignore the violation elsewhere, as in # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name. The answer is because this would change the api of a function. Due to the large number of changes we're making to remove violations we're working on one (or a few) file(s) at a time. There will be some refactorings that will necessarily affect multiple files (e.g. fixing the badly named variables, functions and classes). If you're not referring to either of these, please comment in PR#1271, otherwise, fixed in PR#1271.

I'm lost, sorry, could you be more specific please? There's one other hunk like that in that file: ``` - sock, addr = pair + sock, _ = pair ``` But maybe you mean why did I ignore the violation elsewhere, as in `# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name`. The answer is because this would change the api of a function. Due to the large number of changes we're making to remove violations we're working on one (or a few) file(s) at a time. There will be some refactorings that will necessarily affect multiple files (e.g. fixing the badly named variables, functions and classes). If you're not referring to either of these, please comment in PR#1271, otherwise, fixed in PR#1271.
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