Connections limited to 9 for no reason #566

opened 2013-11-18 10:15:46 +01:00 by AyrA · 2 comments
AyrA commented 2013-11-18 10:15:46 +01:00 (Migrated from

I just saw, that under windows, you are limited to 9 outgoing connections. This may make sense for systems with Windows XP SP2 (or newer) and Vista SP1 (and older). But not for all other Windows versions.
Therefore I provide a piece of code to detect, if the current version is affected by the TCP half-open limit. Please include in and set the connection count to 9 if it returns True, otherwise set it to 200 and you will get almost instant connection to the network.

import platform,sys
from distutils.version import StrictVersion

def isTcpLimited():
    if sys.platform[0:3]=="win":
        return StrictVersion("5.1.2600")<VER_THIS and StrictVersion("6.0.6000")>VER_THIS
    return False

I just saw, that under windows, you are limited to 9 outgoing connections. This may make sense for systems with Windows XP SP2 (or newer) and Vista SP1 (and older). But not for all other Windows versions. Therefore I provide a piece of code to detect, if the current version is affected by the TCP half-open limit. Please include in `` and set the connection count to 9 if it returns `True`, otherwise set it to 200 and you will get almost instant connection to the network. ``` python import platform,sys from distutils.version import StrictVersion def isTcpLimited(): VER_THIS=StrictVersion(platform.version()) if sys.platform[0:3]=="win": return StrictVersion("5.1.2600")<VER_THIS and StrictVersion("6.0.6000")>VER_THIS return False ```
subscribernamegoeshere commented 2013-11-18 10:29:03 +01:00 (Migrated from

I dont have any trouble. I am on WinXP. Users shouldnt be running on ancient outdated systems let alone not even latest Service Packs on the Microsoft Platform.

I dont have any trouble. I am on WinXP. Users shouldnt be running on ancient outdated systems let alone not even latest Service Packs on the Microsoft Platform.
AyrA commented 2013-11-18 21:12:30 +01:00 (Migrated from

if you are running on XP SP2 or SP3, you are affected by the "maximum 10 half open connections limit"

if you are running on XP SP2 or SP3, you are affected by the "maximum 10 half open connections limit"
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Reference: Bitmessage/PyBitmessage-2025-03-01#566
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