• PeterSurda released this 2018-02-14 00:24:14 +01:00 | 1461 commits to v0.6 since this release

    This version is an update on 0.6.3 with a more strict exploit mitigation code. Users of 0.6.2 should either upgrade to or downgrade to 0.6.1.

    February 16th: Windows binary available, signed both with a code signing key and a GPG key. Note: there won't be a 64bit Windows binary for due to a lack of time. The new network subsystem has significantly improved CPU and memory requirements so you shouldn't be running low on memory even with the 32bit binary.

    February 17th: OSX binary available, only GPG signed, will be released code signed in the near future.

    February 19th: OSX code signing delayed for a couple of days for technical reasons.

  • PeterSurda released this 2018-02-13 17:17:11 +01:00 | 1463 commits to v0.6 since this release

    Version 0.6.2 has a bug that can be exploited for remote code execution. This is an emergency release, and 0.6.4 will be released in a couple of days with cleanup originally intended for 0.6.3, and full release notes. Everyone who uses 0.6.2 should upgrade (or, if upgrade is not possible, downgrade).

    Apart from the emergency fix, this release contains a new network subsystem which requires less resources (CPU and memory) and the Dandelion++ protocol extension for enhanced privacy.

    Windows and OSX binaries follow soon.

  • 0.6.2 Stable

    PeterSurda released this 2017-03-01 13:14:46 +01:00 | 1879 commits to v0.6 since this release


    • many minor usability improvements, in particular helpful for beginners
    • get rid of confusing log messages
    • improved feedback when busy during shutdown
    • UI feedback when problems with proxy
    • UI feedback when local time is wrong
    • UI feedback when C PoW module is not available
    • folder loading performance improved
    • translations updated
    • chan join/create interface redesigned
    • can select OpenCL vendor if multiple are available (previously it would have
    • locale initialisation fixes
    • contact support form and About dialog show the GIT head
    • added setup.py (setuptools) for easier installation
    • gentle warning if sending to a chan with a too low TTL
    • message retransmit timing now works as the description


    • networking subsystem stability fixes
    • multiprocessing python PoW fixed
    • message parser fixes
    • many smaller fixes
    • OpenBSD listening socket fix (works IPv4-only mode instead of not at all)


    • try to auto-build PoW module
    • networking subsystem performance improvements
    • refactoring of configuration interface, inventory, downloading and uploading
      tracking, known nodes and other minor parts
    • refactoring to reduce circular imports and global variables
    • support for OpenSSL 1.1.0 and LibreSSL
    • some network parameters configurable, but mostly only through directly
      editing keys.dat
    • network settings allow an optimised bootstrap provider mode


    • extended encoding available for testing. Use it by holding Shift while
      clicking on Send
    • extended encoding can be extended by adding new classes to the "messagetypes"
    • directory structure reorganisation to get rid of obsolete code


    • setup.py detects Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, Gentoo and Guix


    • separate Makefile for BSD make
    • C PoW core count detection fixes for OpenBSD
    • setup.py detects FreeBSD and OpenBSD


    • improved error handling
    • separate Makefile for Microsoft Visual C++
    • pyinstaller spec file updated
    • 64bit binary does not require MSVC Redistributable 2012 anymore and is mostly
      built with mingw instead of MSVC
    • updated Python to 2.7.13 and OpenSSL to 1.0.2j/1.0.2k


    • binary works with OpenCL
    • updated to Python 2.7.13 and OpenSSL 1.0.2k


    • 3 additional bootstrap nodes
    • new server for building/testing
    • transifex webhooks automate translation workflow
    • integration with landscape.io for code quality checking
  • Stable

    PeterSurda released this 2016-08-21 11:59:13 +02:00 | 2044 commits to master since this release

    • Translation update and localisation fixes
    • Minor bug fixes
    • Minor UI improvements
    • Namecoin integration fixed and improved
    • SMTP server and client interface
    • Tor hidden service support
    • C PoW builds and runs on *BSD
    • Windows binary:
      • fixed build
      • upgraded to Python 2.7.12 and OpenSSL 1.0.2h
      • 64bit binary available for download
      • self-built PyInstaller bootloader should trigger fewer antivirus false positives
    • Mac OSX binary:
      • upgraded to Python 2.7.12 and OpenSSL 1.0.2h
  • Stable

    Atheros1 released this 2016-05-02 21:52:14 +02:00 | 2090 commits to master since this release
