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2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00

443 lines
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"""RSA module
pri = k[1] //Private part of keys d,p,q
Module for calculating large primes, and RSA encryption, decryption,
signing and verification. Includes generating public and private keys.
WARNING: this code implements the mathematics of RSA. It is not suitable for
real-world secure cryptography purposes. It has not been reviewed by a security
expert. It does not include padding of data. There are many ways in which the
output of this module, when used without any modification, can be sucessfully
__author__ = "Sybren Stuvel, Marloes de Boer and Ivo Tamboer"
__date__ = "2010-02-05"
__version__ = '1.3.3'
# NOTE: Python's modulo can return negative numbers. We compensate for
# this behaviour using the abs() function
from cPickle import dumps, loads
import base64
import math
import os
import random
import sys
import types
import zlib
from rsa._compat import byte
# Display a warning that this insecure version is imported.
import warnings
warnings.warn('Insecure version of the RSA module is imported as %s, be careful'
% __name__)
def gcd(p, q):
"""Returns the greatest common divisor of p and q
>>> gcd(42, 6)
if p<q: return gcd(q, p)
if q == 0: return p
return gcd(q, abs(p%q))
def bytes2int(bytes):
"""Converts a list of bytes or a string to an integer
>>> (128*256 + 64)*256 + + 15
>>> l = [128, 64, 15]
>>> bytes2int(l)
if not (type(bytes) is types.ListType or type(bytes) is types.StringType):
raise TypeError("You must pass a string or a list")
# Convert byte stream to integer
integer = 0
for byte in bytes:
integer *= 256
if type(byte) is types.StringType: byte = ord(byte)
integer += byte
return integer
def int2bytes(number):
"""Converts a number to a string of bytes
>>> bytes2int(int2bytes(123456789))
if not (type(number) is types.LongType or type(number) is types.IntType):
raise TypeError("You must pass a long or an int")
string = ""
while number > 0:
string = "%s%s" % (byte(number & 0xFF), string)
number /= 256
return string
def fast_exponentiation(a, p, n):
"""Calculates r = a^p mod n
result = a % n
remainders = []
while p != 1:
remainders.append(p & 1)
p = p >> 1
while remainders:
rem = remainders.pop()
result = ((a ** rem) * result ** 2) % n
return result
def read_random_int(nbits):
"""Reads a random integer of approximately nbits bits rounded up
to whole bytes"""
nbytes = ceil(nbits/8.)
randomdata = os.urandom(nbytes)
return bytes2int(randomdata)
def ceil(x):
"""ceil(x) -> int(math.ceil(x))"""
return int(math.ceil(x))
def randint(minvalue, maxvalue):
"""Returns a random integer x with minvalue <= x <= maxvalue"""
# Safety - get a lot of random data even if the range is fairly
# small
min_nbits = 32
# The range of the random numbers we need to generate
range = maxvalue - minvalue
# Which is this number of bytes
rangebytes = ceil(math.log(range, 2) / 8.)
# Convert to bits, but make sure it's always at least min_nbits*2
rangebits = max(rangebytes * 8, min_nbits * 2)
# Take a random number of bits between min_nbits and rangebits
nbits = random.randint(min_nbits, rangebits)
return (read_random_int(nbits) % range) + minvalue
def fermat_little_theorem(p):
"""Returns 1 if p may be prime, and something else if p definitely
is not prime"""
a = randint(1, p-1)
return fast_exponentiation(a, p-1, p)
def jacobi(a, b):
"""Calculates the value of the Jacobi symbol (a/b)
if a % b == 0:
return 0
result = 1
while a > 1:
if a & 1:
if ((a-1)*(b-1) >> 2) & 1:
result = -result
b, a = a, b % a
if ((b ** 2 - 1) >> 3) & 1:
result = -result
a = a >> 1
return result
def jacobi_witness(x, n):
"""Returns False if n is an Euler pseudo-prime with base x, and
True otherwise.
j = jacobi(x, n) % n
f = fast_exponentiation(x, (n-1)/2, n)
if j == f: return False
return True
def randomized_primality_testing(n, k):
"""Calculates whether n is composite (which is always correct) or
prime (which is incorrect with error probability 2**-k)
Returns False if the number if composite, and True if it's
probably prime.
q = 0.5 # Property of the jacobi_witness function
# t = int(math.ceil(k / math.log(1/q, 2)))
t = ceil(k / math.log(1/q, 2))
for i in range(t+1):
x = randint(1, n-1)
if jacobi_witness(x, n): return False
return True
def is_prime(number):
"""Returns True if the number is prime, and False otherwise.
>>> is_prime(42)
>>> is_prime(41)
if not fermat_little_theorem(number) == 1:
# Not prime, according to Fermat's little theorem
return False
if randomized_primality_testing(number, 5):
# Prime, according to Jacobi
return True
# Not prime
return False
def getprime(nbits):
"""Returns a prime number of max. 'math.ceil(nbits/8)*8' bits. In
other words: nbits is rounded up to whole bytes.
>>> p = getprime(8)
>>> is_prime(p-1)
>>> is_prime(p)
>>> is_prime(p+1)
nbytes = int(math.ceil(nbits/8.))
while True:
integer = read_random_int(nbits)
# Make sure it's odd
integer |= 1
# Test for primeness
if is_prime(integer): break
# Retry if not prime
return integer
def are_relatively_prime(a, b):
"""Returns True if a and b are relatively prime, and False if they
are not.
>>> are_relatively_prime(2, 3)
>>> are_relatively_prime(2, 4)
d = gcd(a, b)
return (d == 1)
def find_p_q(nbits):
"""Returns a tuple of two different primes of nbits bits"""
p = getprime(nbits)
while True:
q = getprime(nbits)
if not q == p: break
return (p, q)
def extended_euclid_gcd(a, b):
"""Returns a tuple (d, i, j) such that d = gcd(a, b) = ia + jb
if b == 0:
return (a, 1, 0)
q = abs(a % b)
r = long(a / b)
(d, k, l) = extended_euclid_gcd(b, q)
return (d, l, k - l*r)
# Main function: calculate encryption and decryption keys
def calculate_keys(p, q, nbits):
"""Calculates an encryption and a decryption key for p and q, and
returns them as a tuple (e, d)"""
n = p * q
phi_n = (p-1) * (q-1)
while True:
# Make sure e has enough bits so we ensure "wrapping" through
# modulo n
e = getprime(max(8, nbits/2))
if are_relatively_prime(e, n) and are_relatively_prime(e, phi_n): break
(d, i, j) = extended_euclid_gcd(e, phi_n)
if not d == 1:
raise Exception("e (%d) and phi_n (%d) are not relatively prime" % (e, phi_n))
if not (e * i) % phi_n == 1:
raise Exception("e (%d) and i (%d) are not mult. inv. modulo phi_n (%d)" % (e, i, phi_n))
return (e, i)
def gen_keys(nbits):
"""Generate RSA keys of nbits bits. Returns (p, q, e, d).
Note: this can take a long time, depending on the key size.
while True:
(p, q) = find_p_q(nbits)
(e, d) = calculate_keys(p, q, nbits)
# For some reason, d is sometimes negative. We don't know how
# to fix it (yet), so we keep trying until everything is shiny
if d > 0: break
return (p, q, e, d)
def gen_pubpriv_keys(nbits):
"""Generates public and private keys, and returns them as (pub,
The public key consists of a dict {e: ..., , n: ....). The private
key consists of a dict {d: ...., p: ...., q: ....).
(p, q, e, d) = gen_keys(nbits)
return ( {'e': e, 'n': p*q}, {'d': d, 'p': p, 'q': q} )
def encrypt_int(message, ekey, n):
"""Encrypts a message using encryption key 'ekey', working modulo
if type(message) is types.IntType:
return encrypt_int(long(message), ekey, n)
if not type(message) is types.LongType:
raise TypeError("You must pass a long or an int")
if message > 0 and \
math.floor(math.log(message, 2)) > math.floor(math.log(n, 2)):
raise OverflowError("The message is too long")
return fast_exponentiation(message, ekey, n)
def decrypt_int(cyphertext, dkey, n):
"""Decrypts a cypher text using the decryption key 'dkey', working
modulo n"""
return encrypt_int(cyphertext, dkey, n)
def sign_int(message, dkey, n):
"""Signs 'message' using key 'dkey', working modulo n"""
return decrypt_int(message, dkey, n)
def verify_int(signed, ekey, n):
"""verifies 'signed' using key 'ekey', working modulo n"""
return encrypt_int(signed, ekey, n)
def picklechops(chops):
"""Pickles and base64encodes it's argument chops"""
value = zlib.compress(dumps(chops))
encoded = base64.encodestring(value)
return encoded.strip()
def unpicklechops(string):
"""base64decodes and unpickes it's argument string into chops"""
return loads(zlib.decompress(base64.decodestring(string)))
def chopstring(message, key, n, funcref):
"""Splits 'message' into chops that are at most as long as n,
converts these into integers, and calls funcref(integer, key, n)
for each chop.
Used by 'encrypt' and 'sign'.
msglen = len(message)
mbits = msglen * 8
nbits = int(math.floor(math.log(n, 2)))
nbytes = nbits / 8
blocks = msglen / nbytes
if msglen % nbytes > 0:
blocks += 1
cypher = []
for bindex in range(blocks):
offset = bindex * nbytes
block = message[offset:offset+nbytes]
value = bytes2int(block)
cypher.append(funcref(value, key, n))
return picklechops(cypher)
def gluechops(chops, key, n, funcref):
"""Glues chops back together into a string. calls
funcref(integer, key, n) for each chop.
Used by 'decrypt' and 'verify'.
message = ""
chops = unpicklechops(chops)
for cpart in chops:
mpart = funcref(cpart, key, n)
message += int2bytes(mpart)
return message
def encrypt(message, key):
"""Encrypts a string 'message' with the public key 'key'"""
return chopstring(message, key['e'], key['n'], encrypt_int)
def sign(message, key):
"""Signs a string 'message' with the private key 'key'"""
return chopstring(message, key['d'], key['p']*key['q'], decrypt_int)
def decrypt(cypher, key):
"""Decrypts a cypher with the private key 'key'"""
return gluechops(cypher, key['d'], key['p']*key['q'], decrypt_int)
def verify(cypher, key):
"""Verifies a cypher with the public key 'key'"""
return gluechops(cypher, key['e'], key['n'], encrypt_int)
# Do doctest if we're not imported
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
__all__ = ["gen_pubpriv_keys", "encrypt", "decrypt", "sign", "verify"]