Add: #12

PeterSurda merged 1 commits from PeterSurda/ipxe_scripts:second_proliant into master 2021-05-02 20:42:44 +02:00
  • at the moment only a fake IP address for testing purposes
  • will provide real IP in a future commit
- at the moment only a fake IP address for testing purposes - will provide real IP in a future commit
PeterSurda added 1 commit 2021-05-02 20:42:39 +02:00
- at the moment only a fake IP address for testing purposes
- will provide real IP in a future commit
PeterSurda merged commit c5e2c6a4a3 into master 2021-05-02 20:42:44 +02:00
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Reference: Sysdeploy/ipxe_scripts#12
No description provided.